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以下是杏輝ALL IN ONE名媛貴婦抗齡精質組(5入)商品資訊參考看看:
最近準備要換季了 所以保養彩妝品我也會跟著換
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我研究了一下 居然有800多件的商品
以下是杏輝ALL IN ONE名媛貴婦抗齡精質組(5入)商品資訊參考看看:
衛部粧廣字第10406098號 - ?主商品: Lady Care ALL IN ONE 抗齡精質霜30gm/瓶*5(不可體驗)
?主成分: SYN-AKE(棕櫚醯三肽-5)、Malva Sylvestris(Mallow) Extract(錦葵)、Mentha Piperita(Peppermint) Leaf Extract(歐薄荷)、Primula Veris Extract(歐洲櫻草)、Alchemilla Vulgaris Extract(斗篷草)...等
?有效期限:36個月- ◎★杏輝集團與瑞士Pentapharm兩大頂尖集團跨國攜手合作
- ◎★只要一瓶抗齡精質霜,可兼具數瓶保養品功效
- ◎★改善肌膚暗沉斑點
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BLURRED VISION: A judge said Chen Ming-hsien could not have mistaken the fish for another species, as he is an experienced diver and shot the fish at close range
By Jason Pan / Staff reporter
The Taitung District Court yesterday found a Green Island (綠島) business owner guilty of killing an endangered fish, sentencing him to six months in prison and a fine of NT$300,000.
The ruling can be appealed.
The court said that Chen Ming-hsien (陳明憲), 34, in May last year used a harpoon to kill a humphead wrasse, also known as a Napoleon fish, in violation of the Wildlife Conservation Act (野生動物保育法).
Chen operated a bed-and-breakfast featured in local and international travel Web sites, such A-Shien Diving Style BnB.
He was known for promoting tourism on Green Island and also worked as a tour guide and a diving instructor.
However, he caused an uproar after killing the rare fish, which itself was an attraction for divers and tourists.
Humphead wrasse is a slow-moving coral reef dweller, growing to about 1m to 2m in size, and there were less than seven of them in the waters around the island as of last year.
The incident was revealed after photographs of the dead fish were posted online and netizens found out the man in the photogrpahs was Chen.
Although Chen initially said the picture was taken seven years ago, people analyzing a screengrab from a smartphone noticed the 4G mobile connection indicator, revealing that the photograph was taken recently.
Coast Guard Administration personnel in Taitung County investigated the case and found the fish cut into pieces, which Chen had buried.
Chen was released on NT$50,000 bail after questioning and said it was wrong of him to kill the endangered fish, adding that it was “greedy” of him to want to eat it, and asked the public to forgive him and give him a second chance.
However, netizens posted messages saying “Chen is Taiwan’s disgrace,” and started a boycott of Green Island, which hurt tourism on the island for some time.
During the trial, Chen said he killed the fish by mistake, as his vision was blurred due to water pressure, adding that he realized that he had killed an endangered fish only after taking it ashore.
However, the judge said that Chen, being an experienced diving instructor and guide, could not have mistaken the fish for another species, as he had shot the animal at short range.
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20國排行榜冠軍曲「Let Her Go」主唱「吟遊詩人」(Passenger)9日晚間於台北國父紀念館開唱,開唱前先到中正紀念堂參觀。
「吟遊詩人」因一曲「Let Her Go」走紅全球,YouTube已突破12 億瀏覽人次,演唱會吸引各年齡層歌迷,包括葉佳修、柯智棠、吳汶芳、曾靜玟等歌手。他自嘲:「雖然只紅了一首歌,但只花45秒寫完的這首歌,真的是神來之筆,徹底改變了我的一生,讓我從6、7人的小酒館,一路唱進各地的大巨蛋。」
「吟遊詩人」全場共演唱15首歌,除了自己的歌曲外,還選唱了包括Simon & Garfunkel的「Sound Of Silence」、Bruce Springsteen的「Dancing In The Dark」在內的經典歌曲。
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- ?主商品: Lady Care ALL IN ONE 抗齡精質霜30gm/瓶*5(不可體驗)